The A Stand starts at the entrance to Gasoline Alley, adjacent to the Paddock, and ends at the end of the Main Straight. The A Stand upper and lower Boxes are both in the lower section of the A stand, with the lower boxes closer to the track.

The A Stand lower Boxes start at Box 32, across from the entrance to Gasoline Alley, adjacent to the Paddock. It ends at Box 1 at the end of the Main Straight, adjacent to B Stand.
  • The Scoring Pylon is across from Box 27/28
  • Lower Boxes are rows B-T
The A Stand upper Boxes start at Box 45 across from the entrance to Gasoline Alley, adjacent to the Paddock. It ends at Box 30 at the end of the Main Straight, adjacent to B Stand.
  • The Scoring Pylon is across from Box 43/44
  • Upper Boxes are rows AA-VV

Thanks to Curt Cavin for digging up following info:
Stand A - 15,234 Seats (First Grandstand)

  • Originally built in 1909
  • Current version built in 1951
  • Remodeled in 1989
  • Renovated from 1998-2000